If you are not getting the newsletter contact Deni Whiting at 530-519-3803
January 122025
Monthly MeetingI am excited to announce that we will have Nicklause Brandehoff, MD> Dr. BRandehoff is board certified in emergency medicine, medical toxicology, and addiction medicine with a focus on envenomation research. He has an appointment as Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and is faculty at the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center. He is also the President and Medical Director of the Asclepius Snakebite Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit that focuses on improving snakebite education and management in West Africa and is the Medical Director for Snakebite Management Solutions.
Anyone interested in the correct protocol for treating snakebites please attend! Hopefully it never happens but if a bite does you want to be prepared to act fast with correct treatment.
Take advantage of the world-renowned speaker and get the correct facts for a life or death situation! Don’t miss it and bring a friend, hiker, biker, horse rider, it doesn’t matter!
Board meeting at 6
5 PMButte County Library East 1st and Sherman
Happy New Year! Reminder membership fees are now due! Can be submitted next meeting and can be found here on the website.